The New Liberals aim, not only to heal the crises created by the political class in this country, but to change the very political culture itself. We are creating a wave of change which will sweep across the nation and wash away the professional politicians, with their self-serving ‘power for us, power at any cost' philosophy. We will replace them with real people from the real world who care about their country.We are unlike any party which has gone before. Here are some of the ways in which we are different:Unlike the 80% of federal politicians who have never held a job outside politics, all our candidates have had real world experience and have expertise in their field, to bring to the benefit of the nation. Because, unlike the ‘professional politicians', we do not seek power for its own sake, but for how we can use it to benefit the nation, we do not ever need to compromise our core values, but will continue to speak the truth as we see it at all times. Because we do not seek power for its own sake, we are not focused purely on the next election, like other parties, but have a long-term vision to achieve the greatest benefit for the nation.