PowerHawke is an electrical engineering and technical services firm that specializes in low and medium voltage critical power systems. Our team provides construction companies with a full compliment of Building Information Modeling (BIM) services from field layout to clash detection to prefabrication and scheduling. Our custromer-direct service offerings include both energized and de-energized preventive maintenance, electrical engineering services, electrical safety analysis and energy conservation. If something involves your critical power system, you can bet that PowerHawke can help.Visit our website for more information about our solutions at http://powerhawke.comPowerHawke, Inc. is owned by Phalcon, Ltd. a private holding company that owns electrical services companies throughout the northeastern U.S. Our sister companies are McPhee Electric in Boston, MA, Farmington, CT and New Jersey, Ravex Systems in CT, JE Richards in Maryland and Virginia, and Harlan Electric in Tennessee.