Gain peace-of-mind and confidence that you have the best programs working for you every day. Few companies have the time or resources to truly understand the business insurance marketplace. It's complex and expensive but a necessity. At IAG, we relieve you from having to become an expert in insurance by building a program that fits your business like a glove. We are YOUR "outsourced insurance department".How We Help You:• We don't sell insurance and do not represent any insurance company • We act as your "in-house" insurance expert who works with you and your agent and carriers to get the best program for your needs• We have vast knowledge and experience that enables us to handle nearly any issue• We have access to the best industry-specific agents and carriers nationwide • We call "BS" on the insurance industry, keeping the players in check• We make the complex simple so you can understandHere are some of the benefits that clients have said to us:• "IAG understands the complexities of insurance, allowing me to focus on my business."• "IAG significantly reduced my insurance costs while increasing my coverage. In the first year, the annual cost of IAG was more than covered by insurance savings."• "IAG enabled us to have access to the best agents and carriers because they aren't tied to any one carrier or agency."