OMGEVING is a design office with over 80 experienced and dedicated spatial planners, landscape architects, urban planners, engineers, architects, environmental experts, and just as many personalities who make up our two fields of activity – Landscape architecture and Urbanism. The clear but dynamic structure provides an overview of the wide range of large and small-scale projects that this independent and multidisciplinary design company with offices in Antwerp and Ghent takes on.In every urban or landscape project that it is a part of, OMGEVING not only seeks out the spatial but also the societal value it can add. OMGEVING lets this commitment filter through into its research, design, and its construction work. The design company sustains the human scale of its projects through the principle of cooperative collaboration. Collectivity – in both substantive and process-oriented terms – is a key concept for OMGEVING. Teams that have been carefully composed for each project create a network of strategic alliances, through which disciplines and areas of activity are drawn together according to requirements, both internally and from external parties.