With more than 25 years of innovation and commercialisation experience across 8 global and local FMCG businesses, I have created and optimised new product development processes in each of these businesses, resulting in increased top line growth and improved bottom line performance. I can bring this experience to help accelerate your businesses performance, by right-sizing your processes to align with your growth expectations and risk appetite. Need to speed up your process, need to reduce costly commercialisation issues, resolve clashing or non-aligned team goals? I have delivered these outcomes in each place I've worked.The systems are only as good as the team dynamics and interactions of those developing and implementing, and I have repeatedly delivered better aligned and more engaged teams, with unified cross functional purpose.I have run local and global workshops to:* design the right innovation process to meet business needs* optimise existing processes to improve speed, reduce waste, increase engagement* determine best practice was of working, and how to standardise work* find improved ways of working across teams and bring out the best way of implementing changes * identify $25m cost savings and how to implement them