MindMaps™ is focussed on changing lives. Not only by providing the communicative ability in English to children in Shanghai, but also to groom them as well-informed individuals with responsibility; ready to interact with the increasingly multicultural demographic that is Shanghai and with the world community when they travel abroad for studies, work or leisure.MindMaps™ is not for everyone. It can't be. As it focuses on education for the joy of it. Education for improving the quality of thought, life and leadership. It's not aimed at education for survival alone. Because the latter can be obtained from the omnipresent traditional sources of schooling, and we'd have no reason to exist. MindMaps™ doesn't have a textbook-oriented approach to learning. High quality interactive presentations are used to start off the thought process about intriguing topics which come alive through text, audio, picture and video. The thoughts are carefully culminated by the mentor into a healthy debate. Class sizes are kept to an optimum to preserve quality and to gain (and not to lose out) from group effects of learning. Students are split into small groups which support, contradict and compete with each other.It's real-time and project-based. It works on a collaborative model amongst students and mentors. To achieve this, we use and teach cloud collaboration tools and techniques on the Internet where students can plan meetings on their own and bring small projects to completion.