Operation Manager ( E ) India at AugmentIQ Data Sciences - Pune, Maharashtra, India
With increasingly interconnected and always-on world, the data creation has exploded many-folds. What's more, newer technology trends such as social, mobile, internet of things and consumerisation of technology, enterprises now have access to an unprecedented amount of data and information from myriad sources. Many businesses have begun to explore hidden growth and profit opportunities brought in by this major shift.About 80% of this data is either unstructured or semi-structured. Such data landscape & scale cannot be easily processed with traditional technology platforms and businesses are now required to look at newer technologies and approaches to exploit these opportunities to their true potential.augmentIQ Data Sciences offers end-to-end Big Data Solutions that enable businesses unleash the power of their information assets irrespective of their type, scale and source.Our flagship product – The MAXIQ platform- makes it simple for any enterprise to process data and information from all possible sources for lightening fast analysis as well as meaningful and profitable business insights including solutions around 360 degree view of customer, risk analytics, enterprise search & text mining.