THE INFINITEE GROUP IS A CONGLOMERATE OF THREE VERTICALS: INFINITEE USA, INFINITEE INDIA, AND INFINITEE BUSINESS ADVISORY SERVICESINFINITEE USA is based out of New Jersey and is in the business of providing specialty products primarily for the Personal and Home Care industries for North and South American markets. INFINITEE USA's range of ingredients are unique and have specialty applications. INFINITEE INDIA is based out of Navi Mumbai with an office in Kolkata. INFINITEE INDIA provides specialty products for Indian and South Asian markets and is focused on Personal Care and Cosmeceutical industries.INFINITEE INDIA & INFINITEE USA also offer high quality premium food ingredients that are certified and used widelyINFINITEE BUSINESS ADVISORY SERVICES is an important vertical for the INFINITEE GROUP. Our business advisory services can take your business to the next orbit of excellence. Take advantage of our 100+ team years of experience, talented expertise, and business insights for your Business Process Excellence & certification initiatives.