Head Business development and Marketing at NANOFIL TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED - Kolkata, West Bengal, India
NANOFIL TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED is a Plastic Compounding manufacturing Company having registered office at 2nd Floor of Main Building 19, R. N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. The Plant is located at Kashipur. The Corporate house is located at Plot No. 76, Ist Floor, OKhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi-110020Nanofil Technologies Pvt. Ltd was incorporated in 2009, engaged in compounding of engineered thermoplastics mainly for automotive, electrical and appliances sectors. We started our activities as a R&D Centre for providing technical support for developing advanced polymer formulations. Nanofil has fully automated plants to ensure consistent material quality and safe working environment for their employees. Nanofil Technologies Private Limited penetrated the Indian market fully, supplying materials to OEMs & Tier-I customers in India. With time Nanofil has grown substantially in terms of capacity and market reach in compounding. Today Nanofil is known as an established player in the market. We have focused approach towards enhancing the value to our customers in diverse application areas. This has been achieved by virtue of our highly qualified team of capable industry professionals and state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities. We are all set to established new standards by being a total solution provider in polymer industry on the platform of polymer science. Nanofil has a wide product portfolio with diverse offerings to suit different kinds of performance engineered plastics requirement for a broad range of industry segments.