In India, jewellery has many uses. It is an investment. Stridhan is the gold and jewellery that a Hindu woman takes with her to her parents' home. It is an announcement. It signals to the community that the wearer has now arrived, that he has achieved something and would like the world to know it.It is a witness. Gold dances in the fire that is the sakshi, the witness, to every celebration, every festival, and every rite of passage. Gold seals the deal, gold anneals families.It is a cultural symbol. How you wear your jewellery, when you wear it and where, is often a signifier of your status and your community. It is adornment, it is ornament…It is not a luxury. It is what we do. It is who we are. It is what we do. Our art and our sculpture pay careful attention to the details of the human body and the jewellery that covers it. We are the nation that consumes the most gold in the world. India is the World Gold Junction.World Gold Junction is India.