Suci Febrina

English Teacher at International Islamic Boarding School - , ,

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International Islamic Boarding School
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International Islamic Boarding School

, , • 31 Employees
Government Administration

IIBS has an excellent and brilliant vision to run the best education as the home for young generations to dig up the knowledge for them since they will be Indonesian future leaders in politics as politicians, in economics as economist and even in social and culture.As wise word says " All bird need nest but not all nests for bird" it means that the best quality production is produced by the the best producer, therefore, to get the best quality generation, there must be the best school , the best teacher or educator, the best facilities, the best religion atmosphere in the world of the best education system,in brief, IIBS integrates the best thing in running and managing education system, in brief, IIBS integrates the best thing in running and managing education either from the view of input level, proces or output.IIBS education has four main basic curriculum namely islamic Studies, Academic, Overseas Program, and skill Devlopment. Based on these four main basic pillars, IIBS wish to create or produce Khalifatullah fil-ard (vicegerent) of the Almighty Allah on Earth.In the seventy years, IIBS is going to broaden both its educations and relegions teaching environment by opening IIBS primary school and IIBS secondary Scholl wich of course located in the same location. IIBS management hopes strongly that IIBS could do the best for people who realy need Islamic Primary Secondary, and High Schools.FULL DAY SCHOOL DAN BOARDING SCHOOLFULL DAY SCHOOL diperuntukan bagi siswa SD dan SMP bertujuan untuk meringankan beban orang tua sehingga tidak sibuk untuk mengurus kursus bahasa asing dan bimbingan belajar diluar sekolah.BOARDING SCHOOL diperuntukan bagi siswa SMP dan SMA. Dengan system boarding peserta siswa bisa belajar maupun melakukan kegiatan lainnya selama 24 jam di asrama, sehingga tidak terkontaminasi budaya destruktif dari luar.SD, SMP dan SMA IIBS mengintegrasikan kurikulum nasional dan Islamic studies yang berorientasi pada pembentukan karakter

Details about International Islamic Boarding School
Frequently Asked Questions about Suci Febrina
Suci Febrina currently works for International Islamic Boarding School.
Suci Febrina's role at International Islamic Boarding School is English Teacher.
Suci Febrina's email address is *** To view Suci Febrina's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Suci Febrina works in the Government Administration industry.
Suci Febrina's colleagues at International Islamic Boarding School are Sofa Nasution, Ahmad Kosim, Fachry Hananta, Yudi Fachry, Windy Putri and others.
Suci Febrina's phone number is
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