TFJ or The FEAS Journal is a student-based project to let the university students express themselves with no boundaries. The FEAS Journal creates blog-page shaped profiles for every student without looking at their experiences. We believe that gaining experience in writing is up to the student's will and effort. Are you afraid of being judged harshly by your publisher? Are you sick of considering how you will obey the publishment policy? Do not be afraid or sick anymore because TFJ does not dictate to its writers. Okay, we do not dictate or do not follow a determined publishment policy in terms of our writings but why? According to us "Opposite Ideas Cherish Each Other" and "let each other exist". We think that having multiple ideas in a single platform even if they are so different or far from each other could be the legal proof to our statement. That is the reason for the existence of The FEAS Journal. In a period that the World pays no attention to the fundamental rights of human beings, The FEAS Journal encourages the young and passionate writers to work individually to overcome the violations together. The FEAS Journal is mainly focused on International Relations, Politics, Economics, Law, Sociology, and Psychology. The target group of the FEAS Journal is officially Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate Students. Since the target group consists of students, the editorial crew of the FEAS Journal is formed by students as well! The FEAS Journal can not be responsible for the writers and their expression styles. TFJ accepts all passionate writers to help their self-improvement in terms of gaining writing skills. None of the writings reflects the FEAS Journal's publishment policy. All articles written by authors only reflects their ideas on the related topic. So TFJ does not look at which political ideology that writers belong to nor does it discriminate their articles to guarantee the objective approach to every article.