Training and Operations Co ordinator at Vervenest Technologies Private Limited - , , IN
Nurturing talent is one of our core focuses. We bridge the gap between employable talent and industry demand with an array of training solutions. We have a panel of industry experts who impart training that keeps job-seekers in step with the requirement of industry. OUR VALUE POOL - Professionalism: We approach every assignment with a sense of thorough professionalism and confidentiality - Responsibility: We deem our responsibility to help increase our clients' value by enhancing the knowledge of their workforce - Diversity: We are constantly looking to embrace new technology, welcome new talent and nurture expertise - Integrity and Ethics: We look at every client as an entity that trusts in us to help them get better, and we will do everything to maintain that - Team Oneness: We will look at playing the role of an influence and enabler of team-spirit and victory, for every team that utilizes our services