SkyLark Labs develops Artificial intelligence for the real-time analysis of image and video analytics to assess, alert, and avert. SkyLark Labs was founded by Ex-Stanford, Ex-Cambridge founders and is backed by leading Venture Capital Funds. Skylark has over 50 full-time and part-time employees located in our three locations: Data Acquisition Lab in Amritsar, Data Modelling Lab in Warangal, India, and Production Lab based in Palo Alto, California, USA.SkyLark has clients and partnerships in 6 counties. Our research on 'Disguised Face Recognition' and 'Violent Activity Detection from Drones' gained international attention and was covered by several media houses including the BBC World News, London, NBC, USA, ABC Radio, Australia, Telegraph, UK, Discovery Channel, Canada, New Scientist, The cover of the Economist, Vice, Inc., etc.