Director of Sustainablity and Community Development at Jiva Samudera Biru - , Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Indonesia
Jiva Samudera Biru (JSB) has been developed from the strong desire of the Principals to ensure the traditions and cultures of the Asia region are preserved and developed so that future generations understand their heritages and how they have evolved over time.The Principals of JSB are a strong mix of local Indonesian business people, with proven track records of leisure and cultural integration within Indonesia, and international business people who collectively have over 100 years experience in Asia and understand the cultural diversity as well as the underlying business requirements.The benefits to local Indonesian communities being able to understand their part in the national makeup, as well as global interest from tourism and educational institutions, provides a solid foundation for the business which builds upon the traditions in each region to provide a platform across Provinces and be the fabric for the unified nation that is Indonesia.The Mosaique developments are based upon sustainable practices which further enhance the areas where they are situated, and promote and showcase local and national arts and crafts, becoming the focal point for the Province's cultural activities and attracting international events and communities.