Our mantra is that professional pet care services should be available to support your pet's needs regardless of where you are located. Our professional consultants are licensed and certified and are also vetted by the BetterPaws onboarding team.Betterpaws offers a range of participation levels for clinical groups, single location practices, and independent Veterinarians and professional pet care consultants. Betterpaws allows you to interact with your current clients, and clients which are both within OR outside of your immediate area via video and asynchronous chat. Our goal is to provide the care that pet owners expect while working with care professions to increase revenues.For Pet Parents, utilize our intuitive chat (AI Driven), or speak with a pet care professional with our extremely robust system at any time regardless of where you're located.Access pet health services from the comfort of home with BetterPaws. Find the right pet care professional for your pet and schedule an appointment when it suits you. Skip the commute and time wasted in the waiting room; receive your consultation exactly when you expect it.