Anime King is an annual cultural event held in the city of Montes Claros, MG, focusing on pop and Japanese culture (movies, series, comics, games, RPG, CARDS, internet, cosplay and cartoons). is not aimed at just one member, but rather, the whole family, with a marathon of attractions, contests, workshops, shows, product stands and simultaneous activities that take place in a single day, in one place. In 7 years of the event, Anime King, today is the largest event of its kind in the Northern Region of Minas Gerais. Mundo Canibal, Irmãos Castro, Vinheteiro, The Justice Kira, Tragicomico, Ayu Brasil, Band 29-Q (Japanese Attraction). Doubts: Marcelos Campos, Carlos Emmanuel, Isaac Bardavid Among other Youtubers and Musical Bands. In addition it is clear that a presentation of local artists.