Social media part time content creator at milocal - Hilton, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
milocal is a digital services company operating in the KZN Midlands. Our mobile apps provide retailers with an efficient last-mile delivery service, at reasonable costs to the consumer. In addition to this, we provide various services to small-to-medium businesses. These services range from 1. Process Automation - We aim to optimize operational processes within companies by leveraging the benefits and features provided by technologies such as the Internet-of-things, Robotic Process Automation and PUSH Messaging to improve operational efficiencies, optimize, reduce errors, perform Root-Cause-Analysis more effectively, all resulting in an organizational metrics that can be tuned for maximum efficiency, minimal wastages and rapid reaction to highly volatile market conditions.2. Digital Marketing Services - We provide a Digital Marketing services to companies, showing them how to leverage of the services offered by Google, Facebook, and Instagram, to grow their customer base, social media following and engage better with their customer base.