Drs. Katherine Johnson, Michael Feilmeier and Mike's wife Jessica Feilmeier established Gift of Sight with the singular goal of curing as much blindness and restoring sight to as many patients suffering from cataract blindness as possible in their lifetimes. Presently, there are over 39 million people in the world who are blind and over 50% of them can be cured with a procedure that has a consumable cost of $25 and takes 10 minutes to perform. With vision restored these individuals can once again look into the eyes of a loved one, walk unassisted across a street, return to work and find their way back to being a part of a family and community that no longer sees them as a burden. This team pledges to use 100% of every dollar donated to cure blindness and promises that for every $25 received a person will regain the gift of sight as all funds are directed to covering the cost of the consumables needed for each surgery. To make good on our pledge that all donations are used to fund surgeries, Drs. Johnson, Feilmeier and any volunteers accompanying Gift of Sight to an outreach donate their time, pay for their own travel and cover any costs associated to food and accommodations.