TEAM1 started operations in 2013 and now it is a registered company under the company law, by Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP). Team1 is offering a range of in-house and out-house management training programs and workshops, with qualified training consultants. The consultants are extremely professional with backgrounds in just about every industry. Most of them have extensive experience working in different parts of the world, and bring to the training courses a wealth of knowledge. Their expertise enables us to provide training in the latest theories of business management, blended with practical case studies based on their own experience. We design and deliver quality training solutions to enhance team potential and develop new skills. If you're looking for a training or consultancy company with a flexible approach and a strong track record, why not give us a call? We are committed to be a Counseling & Training Leader in the Executive Education domain through a competitive advantage in providing the highest quality counseling services and training to our valued clients and we believe in making professional relationship with clients based on these CBS: A professionally trained and highly qualified, motivated workforce that works as a team player in an environment which based on recognition and tremendous performance, innovation and creativity for the enhancement of our business and achievement of business goals. The lowest-cost operations assured access to long-term and cost-effective and smooth business transactions. Highly ethical, safe, environment-friendly and socially responsible business practices.