Charan-Gadhvi International Foundation (CGIF)is registered & Incorporated as trust associated company, got registered under the revised company act 2013/7(2) on 9th april-2015. . CIN NO: U93090GJ2015NPL082837.CGIF will have max. 20 non-paid Directors (Board) who will be owning the company. Board is supreme authority which may invite certain scholars for specific advice. CGIF is intended to work for the Unity, welfare, cultural exchange, economical activities, educational aids and sustainable progress of Charan-Gadhvi community. CGIF will have structured network within 21 -40 defined Districts in India and abroad. All eligible (At the age 21 yrs. , Male/female ) Charan can be a member of this Company (Organization) and work for the welfare of the community.