"Baangaalee Ventures" – an initiative by three young entrepreneurs from West Bengal which deals with various Bengal-born products through various online shopping platforms & creating a profitable business module with the help of his valuable customers from Bengal & beyond Bengal."Baangaalee Ventures" - with an idea to reach maximum nos. of customers worldwide by encouraging people to use Bengal-born products & making an easily accessible online platform for them from every corner of the world to use & experience Bengal's own products & culture. From the grass root level of Handloom & Handicraft industry of West Bengal,establishing an online purchase platform for those, who are fond of Bengal's Products. Spreading & showcasing Bengal's own products & culture by selling worldwide with a justifiable & reasonable price through online shopping medium & helping Bengal's small & medium scale industries to grow in large scale from every corner of West Bengal whether the products are from a small village or from an unknown town of West Bengal.