Director of Financial Affairs at KVK Teknik Servis - Mali Ä°Åler Direktörü KVK Teknik Servis
KVK, has the position of being the undisputable leader of the mobile phone market in Turkey. KVK, together with the GSM operating services of Turkcell and its subsidiares, distributes mobile telecommunication and data products for leading global brands including Nokia, Blackberry, HTC and accessories with the brand name of "KVK Tools" . KVK also distributes SIM cards of Turkcell, the 5th fastest growing GSM operator in the world. With 3.500 sales offices, KVK has the widest distribution network in Turkey. KVK which has made "customer satisfaction first" its motto, also provides full after-sales support and technical services to its customers. Customer satisfaction takes precedence over all other issues and all KVK marketing strategie are structured according to this principle.