EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR at JAINGROUPS - Jain Granites & Projects India Ltd - Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
JAINGROUPS- Jain Granites & Projects India Limited is a Public Ltd. Listed Company with its shares listed on the Madras & Ahmedabad Stock Exchanges. The Company was incorporated in 1993. However, the Promoters, spear headed by Late Sri K.P. Bafna & Sri M.R. Bafna, have been into the Stone Business since 1958 and needless to say, they have been the pioneers in this industry having started this industry when it was still in its infancy in this part of India. Now the Company has professionals & experienced Directors on Board. Exports & Domestic projects have always been a major component of the turnover of the Company. In fact, the Company has overseas representatives in China - Dubai - Hong Kong - Malaysia - Myanmar -Saudi Arabia - Sri Lanka - Singapore - Turkmenistan – Vietnam