Dean at Samatvam Academy. Enhance productivity with an "Appreciative Inquiry" based organizational culture. - Gurgaon, Haryana, India
Established in 2010, Samatvam Academy facilitates excellence, synergy and transformation in human systems at all scales. We educate people to align the head with the hand and the heart so that they may excel in the accomplishment of their respective mandates. By teaching how to create synergy through an integrative approach, we help managers to add value and innovatively deliver "more with less". We also prepare leaders to transform and reinvent organizations, so that collective success may be sustained into the future. The basic quest of the Academy is to explore how diverse individuals, groups and organizations may be innovatively unified as a symbiotic whole. The depths of each personality may then be spontaneously brought to bear upon the sustained accomplishment of an articulated vision or identified institutional purpose, within the context of an intensely dynamic global environment. Our strengths-led paradigm exercises a constructive influence upon overt behaviour as well as the underlying motives. The resulting positivity and engagement give rise to an affirmative culture. Our unique and original pedagogic frameworks have been iteratively evolved through rigourous research, coupled with practical application. These comprehensive behavioral maps facilitate the harmonious deployment of the conative, cognitive and affective faculties of the people. Individual and collective strengths are capitalized upon, such that the capability gaps are effortlessly bridged. Enhanced business results and stakeholder satisfaction are the ultimate fruit of our efforts. SATTVA, our monthly e-journal that offers insights into human and organization development byway of Interviews, Video Reviews, Case Studies, and Research Notes, is now into its eighth uninterrupted year of publication.