cultural anthropology researcher at WEST BENGAL STATE UNIVERSITY - , West Bengal, India
The Government of West Bengal has through an Act of the Legislative Assembly has passed West Bengal Act XXVIII of 2007 implementing a long standing public demand in creating the University named "West Bengal State University (Barasat,North 24 Paragans)" This became functional from the Academic Session 2008-09. On 26 May, 2008 there are 57 colleges formerly belonging to Calcutta University has been through a Government notification No.300-Edn(U)/ IU-38/08 transferred to this UniversityMission of West Bengal State University>To Create a flow of quality human resource capable of meeting scientific , technological and social challenges of today and tomorrow.>To introduce integrated courses up to Ph D level.>To widen access to Higher Education through introduction of new courses in Professional studies.>To encourage dissemination of knowledge with a view to ensuring better job opportunities for the students.>To provide vocational training and programmes to Madhyamik passed students.>To promote cluster concept among affiliated colleges.>To promote convergence of Conventional & Open/Distance education.