The Maple Woods School is an educational day program for students with dyslexia and closely related language-based learning disabilities from grades 4 through 12. It is an independent, non-profit school located in the heart of Central Massachusetts accepting both privately and publicly funded students. Instruction occurs in a small-group (4:1 student to teacher ratio), language-based setting. The centerpiece of the program is the daily 2½ hours of language specific instruction broken up into three 50 minute classes that include One-to-One Tutorial, Oral Expression and English language arts. Students also study mathematics, science and social studies in a language-based environment where all instructors are Orton-Gillingham certified. Students can also develop their individual strengths through various electives that are offered with the program. An onsite Speech and Language Pathologist provides consultative services to our teachers, communication support to our Oral Expression classes and direct individual therapy to those students whose communication needs require such intervention.