[C O G N • E N T \ kägnənt \ n] – Cognent is driven by the knowledge of the interplay between humanity and technology.Cognent is a digital media agency. Cognent strives to make you successful by engaging your current and future clients. Engaging your clients through the numerous digital channels, the current and the future ones requires a clear understanding of the human and technology interactions that leads to business success. Martín Paredes, the founder of Cognent has been involved in the Internet industry since 1995, when the Internet was nothing more than a fad. Since then, Cognent has developed a time-tested paradigm in audience engagement through digital media platforms.The paradigm is based on the strategic single-source, one-stop agency creating content, developing the digital platforms and promoting the message through the appropriate channels.The CREATE • DEVELOP • PROMOTE ParadigmToday's engaged audience requires someone to CREATE the appropriate digital content, someone to DEVELOP the platform to deliver the message and someone to PROMOTE the message through the digital channels that ensures the success of the brand.Cognent has perfected the create • develop • promote paradigm.