Suresh Reddy

Supply Chain Management at Timla Foods - Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Suresh Reddy's Contact Details
Andhra Pradesh,India
Timla Foods
Suresh Reddy's Company Details
Timla Foods logo, Timla Foods contact details

Timla Foods

Hyderabad, Telangana, India • 51 - 200 Employees
Consumer Goods

Introducing "Better Food" for a "Better World" Our story began in 2016 in a 200 square feet garage in the middle of nowhere. With only one desk and next to no free time, Timla Foods was born. Our passion for unique food and collaboration brought our vision, and products, to life. Our intent was to transform the food space and make it easier for everyone to eat well. Eating well means eating food that nourishes our bodies and helps in longevity. Eating food that tastes exceptionally good and is accessible to everyone. We've taken on that responsibility as a brand, and we wanted to last for 100 years. Hence TIMLA  ( "This Is My Last Adventure" } How did we start? We choose plants. Of the many species of plants that are available, we choose ‘ONE' { The Corn }. The most admired but underdog category in India. Which saw no innovation for the last 50 years yet 95% of country population has been consuming it in many forms for years.  We've built a movement with a thought seeded "One Step, One Plant " and to perfect it over the years. We made this simplest underdog food category, popcorn, the most flavourful, delicious and presented to you in the cleanest and convenient form as "PopiCorn". We sold over 80 million units of it from then. Thank you for all the love you all have showered on us.  Perfecting it had its own share of success in learnings about taking risks and being an entrepreneur. The setbacks made us stronger, resilient & hopeful. After each success & loss, we've only dreamt bigger and planned better.  Here's where we are today. We are taking next step towards our mission "To Fix the world via food. Bringing delicious, healthier and more affordable food for everyone, everywhere." We are calling it the PIP'S way. PIP/pip/nounnoun: pip; plural noun: pips • a small hard seed in a fruit. The PIP'S way. It's been 4 years in the making, and we have a long way to go.

Details about Timla Foods
Frequently Asked Questions about Suresh Reddy
Suresh Reddy currently works for Timla.
Suresh Reddy's role at Timla is Supply Chain Management.
Suresh Reddy's email address is *** To view Suresh Reddy's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Suresh Reddy works in the Food & Beverages industry.
Suresh Reddy's colleagues at Timla Foods are HEMANTH KUMAR, Chandra Shekhar, Dhiraj Bongirwar, Abu Salim, Uninor Fos, Rakesh Venkatachalam and others.
Suresh Reddy's phone number is ["919490059005"]
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