The Political Pedagogy Institute is an organization founded upon the intention to reduce the fervent negativity often associated with the discussion of political, constitutional, and philosophical concepts. Since ideas of these natures are complex by default, it is naturally difficult to approach and discuss such topics in a cordial, educated way. It is human nature to formulate opinions on the important issues facing us as a society, and it is just as natural to defend the stances we foment within our minds. Since most mainstream political reporting is often skewed to favor one political faction, institution, or school of thought over its counterpart, misinformation is rampant. The lack of reliable evidence presented by our media sources in a factual, non-partisan manner makes it nearly impossible to argue in favor of a particular stance, regardless of its validity, with certainty, and steadfast resolve for clarity. Adding fuel to the fire is the general lack of knowledge with relation to the origins of political thought. Playing hand in hand with poorly acquired evidence, this disparity wrecks any chance of having a truly amiable argument based entirely on valid points and articulated through the independent voice of an educated, confident individual.As an organization, we seek only to teach a candid public of the different ideological stances associated with the wide breadth of political thought. We hope to accomplish this by analyzing current events, studying Supreme Court cases and their constitutional significance, and elaborating on vague ideas associated with some of our most intelligent philosophers and political thinkers.