Movement as Muse is a ten-year-old project working to document the best in dance and motion imagery, as well as relevant writing and news. It has been loosely organized by Susan Davis Cushing.My work is intended as a visual tool and aid to dance educators worldwide. I will research a topic if asked, and if time is available; otherwise it is somewhat sporadic and based on my interests. I am a former dancer trained in modern and ballet: coordinated New Dance USA at the Walker Art Center; managed arts and innovation projects for the US Department of Education, studied Fundraising Management at the New School. All of this is in my resume. @MovementasMuse is on Twitter, Tumblr, WordPress, and Instagram. My intention here is to gather as much social media power and coordination as possible for dancers, dance companies and dance photographers, I follow in the shadow of @AshaniMfuko (still drafting, sorry... the witching hour is here ;) )