COMPANY: Getting More Inc. specializes in empowering your team, from the Executive to the Administrative level, with the tools for more effective negotiation, communication, strategic focus, problem-solving, and creativity. President & CEO of Getting More Inc., Stuart Diamond, advises companies and governments on negotiating, planning and persuasion through a proprietary interactive negotiation seminar which builds skill through actual negotiation cases. He's advised and trained organizations as different as Merck, Citibank, General Electric, BASF, Prudential, the Government of Colombia, a $16 billion petrochemical company in China and scientists in Ukraine. His counter-intuitive 'Getting More' model is currently being used to train Google's employees worldwide. STUART DIAMOND BIO: Stuart Diamond is the New York Times bestselling author of the renowned negotiation bible, Getting More. He has taught and advised on negotiation and cultural diversity to corporate and government leaders in more than 40 countries worldwide. He holds an M.B.A. with honors from Wharton Business School where he currently teaches negotiation to our future business leaders and innovators. He has taught negotiation at Harvard Law School, from which he holds a law degree and is a former Associate Director of the Harvard Negotiation Project. Formerly a reporter for the New York Times, he also holds a Pulitzer prize for his achievements in journalism.