We don't just teach your people to enter SAP® commands, but let them understand how to really use your SAP system, accelerating the learning curve of your users with the highest quality on-site SAP training, customized training material and state-of-the-art e-learning.For more than 14 years we've delivered SAP training. Independently or in cooperation with specialized SAP education partners and/or change management specialists. Based on hands-on SAP industrial experience, more than 30 national and international multilingual projects, and practical training experience with thousands of SAP users.We fully realize that acceptance of your new or extended SAP landscape depends heavily on how your users are trained. We're one of the few in the training market who not only combine in-depth knowledge of SAP modules with the art of training. Based on sound practical experience we also explain how it all works together to support your business processes. So your people can really get ahead using SAP. We're specialized in SAP Logistics: SAP PP, SAP MM (IM, WM), SAP SD, SAP PM and SAP CRM, SAP SCM including the newest releases. Our target audience is SAP users, no matter if they're mechanics, production planners, logistics managers, key users, or managers. We deliver on-site individual training, class room training for acquiring / deepening SAP expertise, and training material / e-learning developed with tools like OnDemand / UPK and SPP / RWD uPerform.