Make your mark–without losing your sh*t…JOB SHOP WEBSITES THAT WORK AS HARD AS YOU DOIn order to win the jobs that get you excited and attract the pros you want on your team, you need an online presence that conveys the right message. What you DON'T need is to waste time and money being upsold by a clueless agency on ads and social media–or worse, letting your [insert rookie family friend here] do it.Not only do we specialize in websites that work for custom manufacturers like you, we also use a stupid-simple BS-free process that sets you up with a killer brand and marketing machine in just a few days. You walk away with a laser focus, a clear roadmap, and the tools you need to land the POs and talent worthy of your time.Necessary Sh*t:- A powerful brand LOOK and message and that turns eyeballs into loyal customers.- A stupid simple website that YOU have control over.- Content that has your target buyers and talent lining up around the block.- A design firm that understands your business and values your time.- Focusing your energy on a clear path that leads you to your goals.Unnecessary Sh*t- A long and drawn-out logo and website design process.- Worthless marketing trends that don't work for job shops.- A website that has you paying an agency every time you need something changed.- A brand and website that looks like your friend's 12-year-old kid did it.- Website security issues that take you offline and scare off your customers.