Check out the Dental Coaches Association web site... What a great idea, to offer a site that helps to connect dentists and possibly their teams with an opportunity to connect with all things "coaching" related. For example, what is coaching and why is it different than consulting (often consultants call themselves coaches), different than counseling (coaches don't go over and over what happened in the past), and different than mentorship (a follow-the-leader type approach). So what is coaching other than what you may already know about coaching athletes? I would like to contribute that is goes way beyond physical or practice performance, and includes a mental and emotional component, and at its heart, a positive core. It is a very supportive relationship where 97% of people who experience coaching say it was a good experience and want more. You see, coaching is experiential and designed to get you out of your "box-like" thinking and into possibility thinking like, "What would your dream practice actually look like, doctor?" "Even if you are on the right road, you'll get run over if you just sit there." - Will Rogers