Millogic provides the highest caliber of design capability and expertise to current and emerging technology companies.Our full range of design services includes ASIC & FPGA design, board design, IP development and sales, software applications, driver and diagnostics services, system and full product design.Our OEM product offerings are targeted at customers who demand high quality circuits that can be integrated with ease into today's demanding manufacturing and delivery schedules.Obsolesence Solutions: Millogic specializes in providing Military and Industrial customers with options for the increasingly difficult problem of component obsolesence. Millogic develops software compatible equivalent parts based on the manufacturer's specifications for discontinued parts. Millogic can implement drop-in replacement devices using either a hybrid or full ASIC approach. For customers who can respin their circuit boards, Millogic can supply IP for multiple obsolete components, and implement them in a single FPGA device.Millogic can also take your existing product, execute the redesign to eliminate obsolete or older parts, respin the printed circuit board, and provide a complete manufacturing package for a replacement product.... all with minimal impact on your staff and other projects. Our customers have not only solved their problems of component availability, but have also achieved cost and power savings.