Founding Partner at MBD Marketing Group and Manager at San Diego Our City Radio
Dex Signals is a division of Our City Investments LLC. All Copyrights Reserved. Our City Investments LLC is a Trader on the Nadex Platform, which is a registered trademark of North American Derivatives Exchange, Inc. and is not affiliated with this site or service. We provide training, and signals that indicate which trade to make on a particular pair of binary derivatives and can be used at the receiver's discretion. With Dex Signals you get several signal services in 1! You get Binary Options, Nadex, International and Forex signals! It is our mission to provide traders with training, support and an easy and simple to follow signal service using most trading platforms. The maximum risk for any trade is fixed and required in advance so you cannot be called upon for further funds, but please remember these are volatile instruments and there is a high risk of losing your initial investment on each individual transaction. This is why we created Dex Signals. To show you how to minimize your risk and maximize your success rate.