BSEA help companies of every size to protect their most valuable data by preventing successful cyberattacks. Every day our freelance engineers, and our own "crisis situations team" provide highly effective and innovative cybersecurity across clouds, networks, and mobile devices, in France and Switzerland. We strongly believe that building a real "cybersec freelancers" community, by onboarding freelances of different backgrounds, thoughts, ideas is the right way to attract the best experts. To get in BSEA is not easy though, as we retain only those who have passed our selective assessments, those who can easyly fit in our customers team, and get back with "shiny missions reports". BSEA strives to be a company where we offer some company advantages like fast payment, good insurances rates, and above all, where everyone is welcomed and respected.Want to get in ? Easy, send us an email at, or call at any time 07 72241552.Check also