Founder, Board Certified Educational Therapist & Executive Function Coach at Learning Strategies Unlimited - Acton, MA, US
Learning Strategies Unlimited (LSU) was founded in 2007 by Susan Taber to help clients discover their most effective learning styles and approaches for successful outcomes. Susan's tagline, "Learning how to learn for life", represents the success mindset she instills in her students and adult clients that encourages them to plan strategically and confidently for academic and organizational challenges. In addition to educational therapy and executive function coaching, LSU's college transitioning plan and systematic writing program have far-reaching benefits for students. A wide array of services benefit age 9 - adult:• Direct strategy instruction to aid memory, information processing, executive functioning, reading, and writing• Academic & executive function coaching for school, workplace, and/or home • Professional development and consulting• Reading and writing support for the workplace• Preparation re ACT, MAT, GRE, GMAT, MCAT, LSAT and licensing exams• College application essay development and general college process