Band of Angels provides support for families of individuals with Down syndrome, autism and other disabilities.Established in 1994 by Cynthia Kidder, a national advocate for children with Down syndrome, autism and other disabilities, Band of Angels produces high-end stationery, jewelry, 1 in 800 and 1 in 150 apparel and more that celebrate life with Down syndrome, autism and other disabilities.Band of Angels provides outreach to over 50% of the families blessed with a baby with Down syndrome each year. The families receive positive information about Down syndrome and hope for their child as soon after the birth or adoption as possible. Band of Angels provides support when parents face a pre-natal diagnosis that is positive for Down syndrome, as well.Each year, we reach over 10,000 families through our uplifting message and direct support of programs. Currently, Band of Angels is spearheading a massive project to install updated books in libraries and hospitals across the United States and Canada to ensure that everyone has access to the most current research, anecdotal information and children's books starring individuals with Down syndrome.