Workforce Management Agency helps businesses navigate the complicated world of shopping for a (PEO) Professional Employer Organization. In a modern business landscape, most businesses are finding the value in PEO services which encompass many of the daily tasks of running a business from an administrative standpoint, like Payroll, Worker's Compensation, Employee Benefits, and Human Resources Management. Most often there's a huge gap between the PEO underwriting departments and the prospective client company. This usually means that if you want to shop the market there's a ton of back and fourth between you (the businesses decision maker) and the PEO sales rep. As an intelligent business trying to quote multiple PEO's basically means having redundant conversations all to get a quote for services from multiple providers. Not with us! We are PEO subject matter experts, that dive into the details to protect you the consumer in the negotiation process with a PEO and take on an advisory role within the PEO industry for our clientele and strategic partnerships. Clients and Prospective Client Companies enjoy working with Workforce Management Agency because we know the competitive landscape extremely well, better than most PEO sales reps, who by the way are of course biased as they are captive working for the PEO that W2's them. We represent the client company, basically as a general agency of PEO's by providing comparisons of multiple PEO options that you can clearly see the advantages vs the disadvantages of the PEO approvals you'll receive. Workforce Management Agency also works with and trains Health Insurance Brokers, Financial Advisors, and other Trusted Advisors like CPA's who like the vast majority of business professionals are mostly unfamiliar with the PEO industry and in fact, only use a PEO because they're losing business to one. Call Workforce Management Agency today, if you're shopping for a new PEO solution and let us work for you!