The Rainbow Saver Credit Union Limited is no longer in existance, but it's successor organisation is, and a short history follows:The Rainbow Saver Credit Union Limited was registered under number 396C with the Financial Services Authority on 27 Sept 1994 as a Mutual Society under Credit Union Act 1979. It operated from the offices of the Co-operative Retail Services Limited in The Broadway, Stratford, London. E15It was run on a voluntary basis by the directors, with the active assistance of a few members of the society, and supplemented for a short while by a paid secretarial support to assist with the computerised records of the members accounts.The company was restructured on 23/7/1998 and began trading as the Rainbow Saver London Credit Union and was officially renamed as the Rainbow Saver London Credit Union Limited from 2/7/2002 until 16/2/2005 when it was subsequently renamed as the Rainbow Credit Union Limited following a change in it's trading name to Rainbow Credit Union on the 24/1/2005 who's current registered number is 213436.