Based in Dallas, Texas BruttForce Strategies Is a team of advisors whose mission is to guide you trough that treacherous thing called life. Whether you need wealth management, health insurance, home and auto insurance, commercial insurance, estate planning or family law, We've got you covered.Because the world comes at you with brute force, you need to be protected with BruttForce.As the Founder and CEO of BruttForce Strategies Jonathan Brutto wanted to create not just another so and so's list but a highly credible team of advisors who could help people from ALL walks of life weather any financial storm that may come their way.Jonathan is a Licensed Insurance Agent in the state of Texas for life and health insurance and has members of his team who are licensed in 43 states. They help their clients find affordable health coverage withLower Monthly PremiumsNo annual deductible to satisfyUsing a PPO network doctors actually accept.For more information and hassle free quote Click here