Associate Director (HR) & Head Uttarakhand Region Vikalp (Nai Dishayen)
Research Associate @ Vikalp (Nai Dishayein)| Youth Basin Ambassador of Water, Climate & Human Rights
VIKALP (Nai Dishayen) is a fully autonomous, not for profit research society registered under Society Registration Act XXI (1860).Vikalp stands for ‘alternative' and ‘Nai Dishayen' symbolizes hope, purpose and continuity. Vikalp (Nai Dishayen) envisions a society that promotes overall human, social and economic development using innovative, accessible, and sustainable solutions. At VIKALP, we prioritize ‘sustainable development', "Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". We believe that any initiative for sustainable development, in spirit and action, places value in equal opportunity for all. It places value in being inclusive, accessible, empowering, and being accountable.A global enabling environment is an absolute pre-requisite for stimulating overall growth in developing countries and countries with economies in transition. The two arms of the Organization Centre for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development and Centre for Mental Health and Well-Being view health and development as interdependent, empowering and equally enabling the full and effective participation of an individual in the society