LOOKING FOR INSIGNA? YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE! INSIGNA HAS CHANGED ITS NAME TO EPIVARA, SAME GREAT COMPANY, BRAND NEW LOOK. How we treat animals matters. That's why we created EpiFix, a new way to fix animals without painful, risky surgeries and long recoveries. Eliminating invasive surgery is always a good thing, but it's the impact that really matters. A low-cost single-injection makes it much easier and cheaper for spay/neuter organizations and shelters to fix homeless animals. That means better health, reduced overpopulation, and a happier life for vulnerable cats and dogs worldwide. Achieving all the benefits of neutering without the drawbacks of surgery, here are just a few of the highlights Epivara's technology offers:• Minimal discomfort for the animal• 100% success in inducing sterility in both males and females• With a single injection, it's easy to administer• High cost effectiveness• Reduced aggression and production of sex hormonesThe removal of reproductive organs through surgical spays and neuters is incredibly invasive and traumatic to animals, especially for the farm animals on whom these procedures are generally performed without the aid of anesthesia or even sutures to close the surgical site.At Epivara, our Mission is to make life easier and better for animals and humans through innovative science and compassionate care. We can do better, and with Epivara's technologies, we will.