One of the most challenging issues facing organizations today is determining the value of programs, projects, or other improvement initiatives and reporting that value in a way that all stakeholders can appreciate. Don't wait until you're asked to justify the value of your programs, ROI Institute Canada offers several learning opportunities through its Certification and workshops as well as consulting services, publications and resources.ROI Institute Canada is a leading provider in measurement, evaluation and ROI – enabling organizations to prove the value, impact and ROI of programs, projects and improvement initiatives. Several learning opportunities are offered through Certification and workshops as well as consulting services, publications and resources. In addition, it conducts internal research activities for organizations, enterprises, public sector organizations, industries, and nonprofit groups. ROI Institute Canada is the Canadian partner of the ROI Institute™ – the world renowned research, benchmarking and consulting organization surrounding the Phillips ROI Methodology™. Fully master the skills required to implement a comprehensive, on-going ROI initiative for your organization with our ROI Certification: 5-Day Program. Certification/Member Benefits:-Certificate of Accomplishment (upon successful completion of impact study) -Critical skills that will render you more credible and valuable to your organization's executives -Permission to conduct one-day workshops on the ROI Methodology in your own organization -Become a member of the ROI Network/ get access to Members Only online resources A 1 Day Introductory Workshop or a more in-depth 2 Day Workshop is also offered. ROI Institute Canada routinely provides conference presentations; keynotes, concurrent sessions, breakout sessions, pre and post workshops. Please visit our website for more info on our Certification Programs, Events, Workshops or Consulting Services.