Svetlana Orlovskaya

Senior Software Engineer at Win Interactive LLC - Vinnytsia, Vinnyts'ka oblast, Ukraine

Svetlana Orlovskaya's Contact Details
+380432 5555 90
Win Interactive LLC
Svetlana Orlovskaya's Company Details
Win Interactive LLC logo, Win Interactive LLC contact details

Win Interactive LLC

Vinnytsia, Vinnyts'ka oblast, Ukraine • 80 Employees
Information Technology & Services

Win Interactive is the game development company. We create games for various platforms: PC, Mac, Web, iOS, Android as well as for social networks: FaceBook, VKontakte, Odnoclassniki, Orkut. With many years of experience in this area Win Interactive is ready to help developers to join the team of professionals in creation and production of the top-level casual, mobile and social titles. We are committed to the highest standards of the gameplay experience. That's why Win Interactive team puts so much efforts into development of mobile multiplayer cross-platform games solutions. From a conception to the completion, we have produced numerous games and interactive projects with our partners. Besides that, Win Interactive engineers are experts in the server side software development. The modern games and, in particular, the social games, require huge complex back end software, the enterprise level back end solutions capable handling millions of daily users, provide accounts management, data analytics and administration, etc. For the moment Win Interactive is at the rebranding stage as from June 2012 the Win Interactive become a part of the Bwin.Party Digital Entertainment group of companies, the world leader in online sport betting and entertainment Win Interactive is in the process of creation its own web site.We create games that everyone would like to play.

Details about Win Interactive LLC
Frequently Asked Questions about Svetlana Orlovskaya
Svetlana Orlovskaya currently works for Win Interactive LLC.
Svetlana Orlovskaya's role at Win Interactive LLC is Senior Software Engineer.
Svetlana Orlovskaya's email address is *** To view Svetlana Orlovskaya's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Svetlana Orlovskaya works in the Information Technology & Services industry.
Svetlana Orlovskaya's colleagues at Win Interactive LLC are Veronika Bevzyuk, Mykola Maloshuk, Denis Balakhtin, Emma Gayovik, Roman Alyokhin, Dmytro Komisarenko, Mariia Popik and others.
Svetlana Orlovskaya's phone number is +380432 5555 90
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