V-Excel Educational Trust is a non-profit organisation dedicated to serving children with special needs.One of the most challenging aspects of teaching a child with special needs is the realization that this child has come to our center with a mission which we will be a part of. It is for us to discover this and serve the child in our journey together. The programs offered by V-Excel Educational Trust are designed to address this. In understanding that education can be healing, V-Excel has a variety of things to offer under the umbrella organization. Making every moment of teaching alive and real for the children, different therapies, assessments, support systems such as counseling and psychotherapy, medical services, remedial programs, advocacy for equal rights, full inclusion in society, independent living, self-determination and employment.We have a team of dedicated, motivated and committed teaching staff, who aim to work with the child as their center and serve in the best interest of the child's needs.Our goal is to help families understand and accept their life situation and make the best of it and to overcome obstacles to social access and employment for persons with special needs.We are a non-profit, non-religious, non-sectarian and non-discriminatory organization headquartered in Chennai, India. For updates visit www.facebook.com/freehearts