Being 5 star rated on upwork, makes us more confident and qualified to bring your Mobile or Web application idea into life. We always use cutting edge technologies to give shape to your application. Technologies stack will be depend upon application use cases. Although we have many other skills but here is the top one's :PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES- PHP- Python- C#- HTML 5- Javascript- Sql- Java- Objective-C- Swift- SolidityFRAMEWORKS AND PLATFORMS- Laravel- CodeIgniter- Express.Js- CakePHP- Symfony- Zend- Django- Angular- AngularJs- React.Js- Node.Js- .NET / ASP- Ethereum blockchain- Bitcoin blockchainDATABASE- MongoDB- MySql- Sql ServerCMS- Wordpress- MagentoVERSION CONTROL SYSTEM- Git- Github- BitbucketIDE- Android studio- Xcode- Visual studioPROTOTYPE AND WIREFRAMING- Adobe XD- InVisionHYBRID MOBILE APPLICATION- Cordova- Ionic- PhoneGap- React NativeGRAPHIC DESIGN- Adobe photoshop- Adobe illustrator- Corel draw-InDesignCLOUD COMPUTING- Amazon web service (AWS)If you have any idea or project, you are always welcome in CODERWITZ DIGITAL LLP. We are looking forward to serving you!