Sydney Bonk

Finance Administration Coordinator at Early Learning Neighborhood Collaborative - Grand Rapids, MI, US

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Early Learning Neighborhood Collaborative
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Early Learning Neighborhood Collaborative

Grand Rapids, MI, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Early Learning Neighborhood Collaborative (ELNC) is an initiative that is vested in changing the current reality of vulnerable children. In order to create this change, ELNC has designed and is currently implementing an intentional preschool service system aimed at providing, expanding and sustaining the capacity of high quality early care and education programs in the vulnerable neighborhoods of Grand Rapids. OUR VISIONWe envision a community where all children, regardless of the neighborhood in which they live, are able to thrive developmentally and educationally allowing them to fully embrace their God given potential and become self sufficient adults.OUR MISSION"The Early Learning Neighborhood Collaborative will create and provide targeted neighborhood collaborative partners with technical, developmental and educational support in order to increase the accessibility of early educational resources for vulnerable children" OUR CORE VALUESOutcomes: Driven, results oriented – We must ensure our children develop and are educated, not by our good works, but by evidence of their increasing knowledge, skills and abilities.Cultural Competence: Children develop and grow best in ways that are consistent with the cultural rhythms and patterns of their families.Creativity and Innovation: Current efforts leave far too many children in under resourced neighborhoods lagging behind in development and education. We must find and use new and different objectives, strategies, and activities to help our children thrive.Place-Based: We are committed to the belief that the best environment for the early education of children is rooted in what is local-the unique history, environment, culture, economy, literature, and art of a particular place–that is, in a child's own "place" or immediate schoolyard, neighborhood, town or community.

Early Childhood Education Community Building Parent Involvement and Empowerment Place Based Education preschool childcare early impact racial equity parent engagement infant and toddler education Cultural Competency early intervention quality early childhood Dual-model early-headstart
Details about Early Learning Neighborhood Collaborative
Frequently Asked Questions about Sydney Bonk
Sydney Bonk currently works for Early Learning Neighborhood Collaborative.
Sydney Bonk's role at Early Learning Neighborhood Collaborative is Finance Administration Coordinator.
Sydney Bonk's email address is *** To view Sydney Bonk's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Sydney Bonk works in the Education Management industry.
Sydney Bonk's colleagues at Early Learning Neighborhood Collaborative are Aaliyah Orr, Juana Munoz, Jazmine Marsh, Melissa Andersen, Natalie Johnston, Gabrielle Sims, Desiree Brown and others.
Sydney Bonk's phone number is
See more information about Sydney Bonk